Thanks for signing up to use our Instant Screen Online Application!
In order to finish setup of your form so it can start generating your dealership high quality leads we first need you to provide a few additional details to ensure the form is working exactly as you'd expect.
Please take a moment to fill out all the required fields below, if you have any questions, refer to the helper information to the left, or contact your sales rep directly as they can walk you through these items.
Step 1: Contact Information: Who's name, email and phone number (at the dealership) do you want to show on the congratulations pre-approval page and the emailed firm offer of credit/terms and conditions? Please note that all these fields are required.
Step 2: Exported Leads (from Instant App): Would you like us to export these leads to your Dealerhip's primary CRM? If so, in order to be setup properly you must provide the ADF/XML lead import address for your CRM system that will be accepting these leads*
Step 3: Maximum Pre-Approval Tier and Tier Settings: The Pre-Approval Tiers* drop-down field helps determine which credit-worthiness range of customers filling out this form will be pre-approved. Note that ONLY applicants which fall into the score range you've selected, as seen on the (DEFAULT) tier matrix below the form, will be pre-approved. Please mark the checkbox labeled 'Checkbox to Authorize Default Tier Settings' if you just wish to utilize the default tier settings as noted in the infographic matrix within the parameters of your score range pre-approval*. If you wish to customize any tiers with a different (Low APR), (Highs APR, Default Max Amount Financed, or the Default Earliest Model Yr.) other than what is displayed in the default infographic matrix below. Please fill out the included fields matching the information for each which you wish to have adjusted which fall within your previously selected pre-approval tier range. Tiers left blank will automatically be setup for the default tier settings from the matrix provided below. For any tier settings that is in a tier lower than your maximum pre-approval tier, or if you had checked to use our default settings (see directly above form for defaults), please leave fields blank as they will not be utilized!*
Step 4: Who should we send the implementation instructions to? Once the plugin has been setup and successfully tested, who at the dealership should we email the implementation instructions to? Please note that you will need to pass along these installation instructions to your website provider with your authorization to get the form successfully installed so it can start generating leads
Step 5: Who should we contact at your dealership with any additional questions regarding this Instant App form setup?
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